5035 Elliot Road, Lake Charles, LA 70605

Kindergarten News
Academic Excellence in a Christian Environment
I know you have been having so much fun this summer! Did you go on vacation? I can hardly wait to hear all about it. We are going to have a "Meet & Greet" so you can see your classroom and find out some of the things we are going to be learning this year.
We have so many fun things we will be doing in Kindergarten! I know you are going to love it! I can't wait to see you and share some exciting things with you!
See you at "Meet & Greet!"
Miss Pam
Welcome to Poise-N-Ivy Kindergarten
We are a family at Poise-N-Ivy! I have the privilege of saturating your child with the LOVE of Jesus everyday! My goal is to develop each child to the maximum of his/her potential so each is prepared to fulfill the plan God has for him/her. I continually encourage my class that God has a plan for them and they CAN do whatever He has for them with His help. One of our favorite scriptures is: “I can do all things through Jesus Christ Who strengthens me.” Learning is so very much fun! All of our papers are “Game Papers” and that’s the attitude I want you to have as you play games, reviewing and learning at home.
Things to Know about Kindergarten
Schedule: 8 - 8:15 Arrival
8:15 Opening exercises: Pledges to American flag, Christian flag & Bible; Song; Morning prayer
(Each child takes turn being LEADER.)
8:30–11:45 Phonics, Reading, Math, Writing, Social Studies/Science,
Poetry (with a mid-morning snack and recess)
11:45-Noon Dismissal
2:30 PM Dismissal for Extended Day students
TRAFFIC FLOW: Enter on the NORTH driveway & drive SLOWLY around back of
school. Drop off/pick up under the awning on the SOUTH side.
NAME CARD must be clearly seen (NOT down by dashboard, please!)
1.Alphabet sounds stories (handout) – Please, read the way I teach
the sounds of the letters & how to write them. It is easier to learn with
2.Recognize short vowel sounds then consonants.
3.Blends – Blend consonant & short vowel together. (ta)
4.Words – Add a consonant to the end of a blend. (tap)
5.Recognize long vowels and sound 2 vowel words.
6.Read special sounds (th, fr, st, pl, etc.) and sight words.
7.Frequency Word Lists – will prepare student for 1st Grade
WRITING: “Houses” help students learn where each letter “lives.”
I am very particular about neatness and correct letter formation. I have found
students tend to live up to what is expected! We are in the “gym working out
developing our muscles!”
MATH: Reinforces –
1. Number concepts & formation through 100
2. Number “families” – Each family has a “father” and the family begins
the same as the “father.” (10 is father of “teen” family and they all begin
with 1; 20 is father of “20” family & all begin with 2, etc.)
3. Addition/Subtraction
4. Telling time
5. Working with money
FOLDER & HOMEWORK: Left side—papers to be reviewed & “left at home”
Right side—homework to be “sent right back.” Students have homework
each night even if it is reviewing the papers we did at school. Let your child
teach you!
BIRTHDAY: Let me know in advance. We will celebrate birthday at school!
Meet & Greet: Bring the following:
** a copy (NOT original) of child's updated shot record
** Nap Mat if you are attending Extended Day